On August 8 and 9, 2014 (Friday and Saturday) a “North American Late Blight Symposium” was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., that focused on late blight diseases of potato and tomato. The symposium was 1.5 days (all day Friday and Saturday until noon) and took place in the Minneapolis Convention Center immediately before the joint meeting of the American and Canadian Phytopathological Societies, which was being held in the same location. 

The meeting  opened with a keynote address by Geert Kessel of Wageningen University entitled “Towards an IPM 2.0 approach for potato late blight management “. 

There were also shorter talks and a poster session, covering the following topics:

• Epidemiology • Pathogen Biology and Diversity • Plant-based resistance • Integrated Disease Management • Chemical Control

Abstract from the symposium are posted here